• Taiz

  • Monday, December 18, 2023 at 8:31 AM
    Last Update : Monday, December 18, 2023 at 8:31 AM

Taiz Citizens Say 70% of Water Resources in Houthis’ Hands

(AWP) - The inhabitants of the Yemeni province of Taiz have suffered from a lack of water supply in their homes since the war began, nine years ago. Citizens stand in long lines to fill in their containers from tankers that pass in the streets, or from public reservoirs.

Others have to purchase an amount of water for 20,000 Yemeni riyals, which adds to the heavy burden on citizens already groaning under a tight blockade and tough economic circumstances.

Ramzy Mohamed Aly al-Qorashy waited in an alley near his home, like many of his co-residents, in order to get some water. He urged the local authorities and donors to find a solution to the problem of disrupted water supply.

“We have had major problems since the water supply was cut off nine years ago. After the blockade imposed by the Houthi militias, the water supply was cut off in most of the areas of Taiz, which is causing huge suffering for us,” he lamented.

Amin Ahmed al-Jarafy, a citizen from Taiz, expressed bitterness over the lack of water supply: “Nine years have passed since the Houthi militias began their siege of Taiz. They have been nine years of agony and suffering for each house, each mother, each child, and each father. We used to buy an amount of water for 1,500 or 2,000 riyals, but now it is worth 20,000 riyals. As you see, the country is in an unenviable position, whereby there is no electricity or water. They cut off everything from us. We have literally nothing,” he said.

Ahmed Shawqi, a Yemeni human rights activist, accused the Houthi militias of cutting off the water supply from Taiz, since they control 70% of the southwestern Yemeni province’s water resources.

“The Houthi militias are now in control of over 70% of the water resources in the province of Taiz, including the most important water wells like al-Hawjaleh and al-Himeh, as well as areas where there is underground water. Seven of a total nine are located between the government forces and the militias, and are mostly under fire from the militias,” explained Shawqi.

Abad Aly,  deputy director of the water company in Taiz, said that the city needs between 20,000 and 30,000 cubic meters per day, while the current produced capacity does not exceed 2,500 cubic meters.

“We produce between 2,000 and 2,500 cubic meters per day, but that is not enough, as we need between 20,000 and 30,000 cubic meters per day. Some areas have had no access to water since the war began. There are areas that have had no water for eight years,” he noted.