• Mosul

  • Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 11:15 AM
    Last Update : Monday, November 6, 2023 at 6:50 AM

Scenes of Killing and Destruction in Gaza Remind Iraqis Of War Horrors

(AWP) - Scenes of killings, bombing, raids, destruction and mass graves during Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip have brought back painful memories that are still engraved in the minds of Iraqis who went through similar circumstances during the fight against ISIS in Mosul, Nineveh Governorate.

According to Ahmed al-Najm, who lives in Mosul’s old city, Iraqis in general and Mosul residents in particular could be the most sympathetic with the Palestinians’ cause because they feel and know the extent of the suffering of people in the Gaza Strip.

Al-Najm pointed out the resemblance of both situations, saying that Mosul residents "are perhaps the most sympathetic people to the Palestinian cause and Gaza because they are the people who most feel and know the extent of suffering when you are besieged, have difficulty accessing health and social services, and are cut off from water, food, and communication".

"They understand the meaning of mass graves. They understand what it means today when the residents of Gaza are bombed and their homes are destroyed and they carry the bodies of the victims and bury them in the streets, roads and gardens. It is literally a repeated scenario. Therefore, Gaza and Mosul are twins in terms of suffering." he added.

Events in Gaza reminded Mohammed Massoud of his work as a volunteer paramedic and rescuer during the war against ISIS in Mosul.

"We went in to rescue people from the horror of war and the aircraft bombing that was present in the city of Mosul. A very terrifying thing that is very similar to what is happening now in Gaza. Our role was to rescue people and take them to safe areas," he said.

"Currently, what we are seeing in Gaza is completely similar to what we saw in Mosul, Iraq," Massoud added.
Former Iraqi officer Mohammed Ghassoub, says that what people in Gaza are currently facing is humanely unacceptable.

"This must be stopped by a vote of the United Nations General Assembly on the necessity of a ceasefire. This is a humanitarian and a great matter. Innocent people were also the victims in Nineveh Governorate during the liberation [from ISIS control] and during the bombing," he said.