• Sanaa

  • Monday, February 5, 2024 at 7:03 AM
    Last Update : Monday, February 5, 2024 at 7:03 AM

Mass Protests in Sana’a Condemn U.S. Strikes on Yemen, Show Solidarity with Gaza

(وكالة أنباء العالم العربي) - Thousands of Yemenis took to the streets for a mass protest in Al-Sab’ien Square in the capital city, Sana’a, to denounce U.S. strikes on Yemen and to show support for the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, who have been living under sustained Israeli shelling for nearly four months.

The protesters raised Yemeni and Palestinian flags, and chanted slogans condemning foreign interference in Yemen’s affairs.

“The United States and Israel are the head and mother of terrorism. We are going to spark their horror with our warplanes, missiles and drones, until they stop their assaults on Gaza and their aggression on the Yemeni people,” said Ahmed Al-Ghelisi, General Director of Azal Region.

The United States and Britain have repeatedly struck sites belonging to the Houthis, with the aim of weakening the group’s ability to threaten navigation in the Red Sea and thereby undermine global trade, after the Houthis announced responsibility for targeting cargo ships with missiles and drones.

The Houthis said that they were only attacking the ships owned or operated by Israeli companies, or those that carried goods to or from Israel, out of support for the Gaza Strip, which has come under Israeli offensive since October 7.

The protesters called for an end to U.S. strikes on Yemen and an end to the war and blockade imposed by Israel on Gaza.
They also called for unified Arab and Islamic ranks to confront challenges and risks posed to the region.

The protesters also denounced Israel’s settlement policies and “crimes against humanity being committed against the Palestinian people,” stressing the need for solidarity and joint action to support the Palestinian cause and to realize peace in the region.