• Cairo

  • Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 5:19 PM
    Last Update : Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 5:31 AM

Invading Rafah Will Constitute a Violation of Arab National Security, Palestine Representative to the Arab League tells AWP

(AWP) - Palestine’s Permanent Representative at the Arab League, Mohannad Aklouk, said that an Israeli ground invasion of Rafah would amount to a harmful violation of Arab national security.

“It will lead to more bloodshed, more massacres and genocide inflicted on the more than one and a half million Palestinian citizens now in Rafah. If the invasion takes place, it will lead to forced displacement, which is regarded by Arab countries as a violation of Arab national security,” Aklouk told AWP.

He added that the Council of the Arab League decided on Wednesday to “call on the UN Security Council to activate Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, after Israel refused to implement Security Council Resolution 2728 to cease fire during Ramadan and allow the entry of humanitarian aid, which follows Israel’s rejection of the orders of the International Court of Justice to stop killing and harming civilians.”

Aklouk stressed that Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter “includes articles containing punitive measures related to cutting off economic ties as well as land, sea and air communications with the Israeli occupation, in order to force Israel to submit and comply with Security Council resolutions and the orders of the International Court of Justice.”

“There was also a condemnation of the continued export of arms and ammunition to Israel, which the Arab League regards as complicity with the Israeli occupation in the crime of genocide,” he added.

In its meeting at the representatives’ level on Wednesday, the Arab League Council issued a resolution calling on the Security Council to adopt a resolution under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter that would force Israel to stop the war in the Gaza Strip, and warned against any Israeli military operation in Rafah, which shelters more than 1.5 million displaced Palestinians.