• Monday, October 23, 2023 at 8:56 PM
    Last Update : Monday, October 23, 2023 at 8:56 PM

Al-Sudani Orders Investigation Into "Incident" Between Iraqi Army Forces and Peshmerga in Nineveh

(AWP) - Iraqi military spokesperson Yahya Rasool said that three people were killed and seven others wounded in an "incident" that took place between the Iraqi Armed Forces and Kurdish Peshmerga forces in the district of Makhmour in the Nineveh province.

Rasool added in a statement that the Iraqi Prime Minister and Commander in-Chief Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, ordered the formation of a high-level committee to investigate the circumstances of the incident and its resulting casualties.

In his statement, Rasool stressed the need for "all leaders and commanders at all levels to deploy self-restraint, whether from the sectors of the federal government or the Peshmerga, and the importance of acting with great wisdom and giving priority to higher interests."

Earlier, the Rudaw Kurdish media network said that a member of the Peshmerga forces was killed in clashes with Iraqi army forces yesterday.

Rudaw added that the clashes broke out between Peshmerga affiliated forces and Iraqi forces who regained control of a number of military posts from Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants last week.

The network said that the Iraqi army’s 14th Division regained control over four military points on Mount Qara Dagh from PKK fighters under an agreement with the Iraqi army.

Rudaw quoted a Peshmerga official as saying that the clashes between the Iraqi army and Peshmerga forces were triggered by disputes over three military points near the Makhmour refugee camp.