• Ramallah

  • Friday, December 1, 2023 at 7:41 AM
    Last Update : Monday, December 4, 2023 at 1:46 PM

Ramallah Event Shows Foreign Directors’ Films Narrating Palestinian Tales from Gaza

(وكالة أنباء العالم العربي) - A cinema event that uncovers Palestinian narratives about Gaza, as seen by foreign directors, has kicked off in Ramallah, West Bank, with the first Middle Eastern screening of French director Roland Nurier’s documentary, "Yallah Gaza".

Held at al-Kasaba Theatre and Cinematheque in Ramallah, and organised by the Palestine Cultural Platform (al-Manasa) in cooperation with the Palestinian Film Institution, the event coincided with the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Event coordinator Yousef Shayeb says that the idea behind the event, under the same slogan "Yallah Gaza" (Come on Gaza), is that Gaza carries great significance for Palestinians. He points out that each film is "an act of solidarity" with Palestine on the part of foreign directors.

“For these seven foreign directors, making these films represents an act of solidarity with Palestine, he said.

“We as cultural institutions welcome this solidarity, and the opportunity to present these narratives, which oppose those of the Israeli occupation. This is Gaza as seen through the eyes of foreign directors who filmed there from 1985 until 2023,” he added.

Palestinian journalist Fateen Ebeid, who attended the screening of "Yallah Gaza," said that the documentary, produced in 2023, was an invitation for Palestinians and Arabs to rediscover Gaza.

“The film brought back Gaza. It revived its image. It brought us as Palestinians and Arabs back together to discover Gaza again. We did not expect a kingdom ruled by children to be like this," he said.

According to Samer Makhlouf, Director of al-Kasaba Theatre and Cinematheque, Gaza’s ordeal began decades ago, and not with the beginning of the current Israeli campaign on October 7th.

The problem in Gaza, the tragedy in Gaza, the crimes in Gaza did not begin on October 7 or 17, but are an extension of a long history of harsh measures by the Israeli occupation, enacted continuously over the course of 75 years," he said.

“Our role as cultural institutions is to be part of a global movement shedding light on this tragedy, and to promote the Palestinian narrative, which has been attacked and subjected to a campaign of misinformation and lies,” he added.

The event, which continues until December 20, includes seven films by directors from the United States, France, Spain, Ireland, Germany, Italy and Sweden.