• Derna

  • Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 4:34 PM
    Last Update : Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 10:19 PM

Libyan Committee Examines Dam Ruined by Derna Storm as Part of Probe

(AWP) - A committee from the interior ministry endorsed by the Libyan parliament visited the site of a dam that had collapsed in the flooding that struck the port city of Derna and other areas in eastern Libya two weeks ago.

Maj. General Salah Howeidi, the committee chairman, and Brigadier Mayloud al-Faytouri visited the site of the collapsed Bou Mansour Dam in the area of al-Fatayeh on Friday to examine the damage.

The interior minister, Essam Abu Zreiba, had given instructions to form a committee days after the storm disaster to “collect all evidence regarding the collapse of the Derna dam and determine the legal responsibility for the incident.”

The storm and flooding that hit Derna left thousands of people dead and others reportedly missing and massive damage to the city’s buildings and utilities.

Amidst popular anger over the collapse of two dams in Derna in the flooding, the public prosecutor, al-Siddiq al-Sor, announced that investigations will be carried out to determine the responsibility for this catastrophe.