• Khan Younis

  • Friday, July 26, 2024 at 5:33 AM
    Last Update : Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 6:25 AM

Khan Younis Stadium Overwhelmed with Displaced Palestinians from Eastern Gaza Strip

(AWP) - Built in 1952, the Khan Younis Municipal Stadium in Gaza is no longer a venue for sports events but has rather become an unequipped shelter centre for displaced Palestinians fleeing the Israeli bombardment in various parts across the Strip.

Packed mainly with displaced Palestinians from the eastern areas of the Gaza Strip, the stadium, whose facilities and surrounding buildings were destroyed, lacks safe drinking water, bathrooms, and other necessities of life.

Mohammed Qadih, a displaced Palestinian who fled to the stadium, said, “We were forcibly displaced in the evening, and we only found roads to sleep on sought refuge in the nearest place. Among the very close places that we took refuge in was this stadium. We set up our tents in it and have been staying here for 3 days. It is a shelter devoid of water, bathrooms, or aid.”

He added, “No one has contacted us to send us relief, especially for infants, pregnant women and women who lack money. A very large number of people here lack the money to help them support themselves. No one cares about us.”

Qadih continued, “We appeal to the whole world and all the free people of the world, not only the Arab countries but all the countries of the world that claim humanity and are compassionate towards animals, cats and dogs, which they view with a human dimension, to look at the Palestinian people who are now being struck by bombs, planes, tanks, and the most powerful American weapons without anyone caring about us.”

Umm Abdullah al-Najjar is another displaced Palestinian in the stadium who recalled better times.

She said, “This stadium used to host [sports] tournaments. Players practiced football in it, and it was a destination for athletes of all ages. Now it has become a shelter for the displaced from the eastern regions, such as Khuzaa, Abasan, Bani Suheila, Abasan al-Saghira, and the rest of the eastern regions. They fled to this stadium that you see.”

She added, “The displaced are spread throughout the stadium, where they stay in tents. The sun beats down us from everywhere. There are displaced people of all ages here, and there is no water or food. Our living conditions are not suitable for humans. I swear to God, we have to travel a long distance to the Nasser Medical Complex to fetch water. There is no drinking water available, so we are forced to drink salty water. We are helpless. We were displaced from Khuzaa in the far east of the Strip.”