• Sulaymaniyah

  • Friday, March 22, 2024 at 5:42 AM
    Last Update : Friday, March 22, 2024 at 5:42 AM

Dancing Performances Defy Bad Weather During Iraqi Kurds’ Celebration of Newroz

(AWP) - Kurds in the Iraqi city of Sulaymaniyah defied the heavy rain on Wednesday to celebrate the Newroz feast with dancing musical spectacles showcasing Kurdish tradition.

Held under the supervision of the General Directorate of Arts and Culture in Sulaymaniyah, the celebration was attended by large crowds of residents and visitors from other Iraqi cities despite the cold and rainy weather.

Ribwar Sulaymani, leader of the Nojoom musical band performing at the event, said, “In this cold weather, we express our happiness with traditional dances and extend our congratulations and blessings to the Kurds in all parts of Kurdistan. We, as the Nojoom Band, participated in the celebration with several dance performances and a group of singers.”

Diyari Hussein, one of the celebration’s organisers, expressed his hopes that the event would unite Kurds at a time when major parties are boycotting politics in the Kurdistan region.

He said, “The celebration included many performances by musical bands. We hope that the Kurdish people will always be happy, and we hope that the Kurdish political parties and entities will unite on this blessed Kurdish holiday.”

The celebration saw many singing and musical performances, including traditional Kurdish dancing, in addition to several singers who performed traditional songs about Newroz and its importance as a major Kurdish holiday.