• Friday, July 7, 2023 at 1:22 PM
    Last Update : Saturday, August 26, 2023 at 1:44 PM

Breaking Stereotype, Iraqi Female Boxer Competes Over Arab, Int’l Titles

(AWP) - Tayeba Fahem, the only Iraqi female boxer in an all-men national team, broke the stereotype about female athletes and is getting prepared to play in Arab and international tournaments along with her compatriots.

Tayeba became famous thanks to her perseverance and determination to attain her objective as she shrugs off criticism. She was selected to represent Iraq’s national team in women’s boxing after she grabbed the champion title locally and at the Arab level.

“I won so many championships, including African and Arab tournaments. I was the first Iraqi woman to get a professional belt. I also won the titles ‘Iraq’s Strongest Woman,’ ‘Physical Fitness Champion’ and others,” she said.

Tayeba said she did not pay much attention to societal criticism throughout her professional sports career.

“I didn’t care about the criticism! I knew in advance that any successful person would not escape criticism, but there are some who stand their own ground and fight and others who escape and quit the thing they love the most. For me, the criticism made me more adamant and motivated me more to keep going ahead,” she emphasized.

Tayeba won the championships at the level of Iraq’s clubs, the Minister Championship, Iraq Women’s Clubs tournament, won 2nd rank in the Classic tournament held in Lebanon, participated in the female physical fitness challenge on the Swedish Exercises and won the title ‘Queen of Fitness and Muscle Endurance Power,’ as well as the title ‘Iraq’s Strongest Woman.’

On her participation in the 15th Arab Games – Algeria 2023 that started in Algeria, Uday Janjoun, an Iraqi boxing and physical fitness trainer, said he was optimistic about Tayeba in this tournament.

“We saw Tayeba in more than a local tournament. She has excellent capabilities to qualify her for international competitions. We prepared her well. She is now ready for the Arab championship, and we hope she brings us a gold medal,” he said.

Tariq Mohamed, the Iraqi boxing team’s coach, said Tayeba is Iraq’s champion last year, adding she won the first rank and was summoned for the national team to participate in the Arab tournament in Algeria.

“She is a boxer with a powerful heart. Boxers must get that strong heart to succeed. We wish to achieve good results in the Arab championship,” he noted.
Ali Taklif, Chairman of the Iraqi Boxing Federation, said Tayeba is good and brave and enjoys both left and right strong punches.

“She has the motive because she already has the courage. It was clear in her training sessions and participation in the tournaments in Baghdad and Sulaymaniyah, where she won the champion titles,” Taklif added.